Survey Says!

I recently created a survey called Webinar Series Survey and sent it out a variety of people to complete. This survey asks for topic ideas for webinars as well as when the best time of day and day of the week works best for you. If you are interested in adding your input to this survey please Click Here The Survey will close on Monday the 18th. There will be a drawing for one free webinar on Monday the 18th (you may choose to add your email to the survey to be entered into the drawing).

I will share the results of the survey on Tuesday the 19th with those that participate.

I will be presenting a webinar each month from July through November (total of 5 webinars). The cost of the each webinar is $49.00 each. You may purchase each webinar separately or the 5 part series for $200.00 (a $45 savings). I will be posting the schedule on the 19th of June – dates, times and topics with instructions for payment.


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